20 May 2012

I can see for miles and miles* and it's kind of over the top like a romcom where I just can't look away

I was in Seattle these past couple of weeks and I will begin slowly unloading stories but first can we address something my cousin showed me while I was there?


Yes. Bon Iver Erotica––which you probably already know about just like every hipster everywhere ate, slept, and breathed Bon Iver when he first came out and so did I but I was unaware of everyone else ODing too. (How was I supposed to resist an album entitled "For Emma, forever ago"?) 

Don't freak out mom and dad, it's not actual erotica. Bon Iver is essentially hipster relaxation music. Can I call it that? I only listen for relaxation because sometimes I find his voice too sweet, too nice. But guys, this tumblr is totally my ryan-gosling-hey-girl thing. After my evening bike ride I was going to write this:

I know what house we would live in here. It's tiny, dilapidated, and hiding in a cave of trees and bushes. Have I ever told you I kind of love dilapidated looking houses? Ones that used to be white but are now so worn they look like mournful, ghostly summer cottages.I want a house hidden by trees and rambling bushes but I worry whether enough sunlight will get in. I want to be able to lay on the floor looking out large windows at the tree tops imagining I'm in a mountain cabin. I've always wanted to live in a mountain cabin.

1. I acknowledge that's hecka boring for you and have decided that's the fodder of journals and not blogs. So I wasn't going to post it.
2. But then I remembered B.I. and felt you needed a boniverotica example so you can have a good chuckle with me at how cheesy I am:

via boniverotica

*bon iver holocene lyric

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