13 April 2008

I wandered some and sat under that pine tree with the graffiti monsters


My nightstand is covered in ash from the incense I bought this week.

The people were out 'n about walking today. It's like we're all drip-droplets emerging from an inside-outed container heading out into the world in coalesced pieces. A re-emergence. And maybe as drip-droplets we would be dreams incarnate and evaporate into the spring air.
How about this, you pull up a front porch, we'll munch o
n pita chips and watch the grass grow. You know what I like even better than front porches? Back stoops. Back stoops of crumbling cement. And backyards are even better than back stoops (do they call them stoops here?). Let's lay on our backs and look at the lavender six o'clock sky and listen to the doves coo (or cry? ...maybe next spring).
We could live in that clapboard house that's on the corner.
We'd listen to records any chance we got and walk around barefoot.

It's like my brain is full of brightly colored glass beads sometimes.

I like brightly colored tiles. You can keep that one in mind for future reference for something. or other.

the end.

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