02 May 2008

i'm. making. beef. gravy.

I've been working a lot the past couple of days. I like work. How can I not like work when I get to see the Onion Cutter professing his love to the new girl from Denmark? (He had me check to see if she was married and then he proposed to her.) Every day he asks me if she is going to come in to work and he writes her love notes on pieces of paper towel. He shows them to me, "CALL EM" they say, or, "I LOVE YOU," all in permanent marker.
I promise to never go three days without contacting my family, though. I had been in a nice bubble until my sister called the grill this morning to make sure I was alive.

I carried a tree home last night.

I don't feel like describing the events that led up to me still being at the grill at 10:30pm but I was worried I was starting to become a little delusional when someone opened the back door to throw some trash to the dumpster and I saw a tree. How can there be a tree by the dumpster of the grill, I thought. But sure enough, in a pot there was a shimmery branchy tree.

So at 11pm I carried it home.

Well half way. A woman in a truck drove the tree and I the rest of the way home.

It now sits in my living room.

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