03 July 2008

voodoo in my basement, you know that it's true*

AMAZING news on the western front........dadadadadadadadadada: I'VE GOT FILM FOR MY POLAROID CAMERA!!! O beauty, o beauty, o devout and pretty joy!

I rode my bicycle over to the grocery store and as usual at this time the old black man was sitting on top of the ash stand under the NO LOITERING sign by the bicycle racks. Hellos we said and later goodbyes we said.

This world is a mad place. I frequently find myself tiring of the idea of honoring one class of humans over another. My days are spent in homage to athletes, I'm tired of homage. I thought, now to be fair, would I care for homage to any others? I imagined role plays substituting Michel Gondry, Val Lewton, Cary Grant, Adrien Brody, Led Zeppelin, Ringo Starr, Leo Tolstoy, Norah Ephron. Not even darling Maggie Gyllenhaal made the cut. Instead I moved into the woods and lived in a little shack-lackle cabin.
This isn't to be completely doldrummed. At work today I discovered it is funny if I threaten to shove mushrooms up The Dreamer's nose. They all doubled over and loved me all day long. And I tried to convince my dear Dreamer that his middle name was Trouble and that my middle name was Danger. He's not buying it, he's convinced I'm Trouble.

Happy fourth!

Bleh...I bore myself with all the frippery.

*Lovin' Spoonful Voodoo in my basement

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