04 October 2008

puis-je écrire BIEN ? qn ? qn ? qui sait ?

Things I've Learned While Trying to Write an Informative Paper in French on the Effects of our Preoccupation with Eating Healthily
(writing that title made me wish we were French where they only capitalize the first letter of a title. Makes SO much more sense and looks A LOT less silly)

Nous voilà propres ! - Now we're in a fine mess!

Ce n'est pas la peine d'y penser ! - Don't get any ideas!

C'est simple comme bonjour - It's as easy as taking candy from a baby

Gobelet en carton - paper cup

saponification (english word) - the conversion of an ester heated with an alcali into the corresponding alcohol and acid salt; specif., this process carried out with fats (glyceryl esters) to produce soap

Santa Gertrudis (english again) - [so named after a section of the King Ranch, in Texas] any of a hardy, red-colored, American breed of beef cattle, developed from a cross of Shorthorn and Brahman stock and able to thrive in hot climates on sparse forage.

flummery (english) - 1. any soft, easily eaten food; esp., a) orig., boiled oatmeal or flour b) a soft custard or blancmange 2. meaningless flattery or silly talk

Muzak ® - musique enregistrée

how to type ®

avorteur - abortionist

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for flummery. I am goinf to use that in a sentence today.
