06 April 2009


only in the library for a minute and already I'm on twelve tangeants.

Three papers, neighbors, and I'm done with school work. C'est tout !
But what happens? Not three papers. What happens is I open up my lap top in the cubicle that is in the very back corner of a quiet floor, but I let myself glance up and across a few crowded shelves my eyes lock on a large red book: THE FIRE DREAM. I can't resist the fire dream's draw, I walk closer and see underneath it all sorts of amazing titles: "American Mischief," "Armed Love," "KILLSHOT," "God's Ear."

Don't you see? I'm doomed to failure! I already have four library books at home, two for leisure reading on top of the e e cummings book I bought a few months ago that I'm reading now and the Gwendolyn Brooks poetry book that was on sale in the bookstore today. Now I have four more books stacked beside me.

Oh help! Oh help! I'm drowning in a sea of print and yet my thirst is still not satiated. And I'm distraught because I just found a band from the 1960's that I am in love with and I'm not sure what to do about it.

At least it was a lovely, lovely jogging evening.