03 April 2010


The sun left much too long ago. I've barely been scraping along this week even with all the wonderful ways I got to spend my time. When I stepped out my front door on Thursday into blowing snow I wondered if I'd ever get the gloom out of my heart. Cold temperatures are difficult but doable, however, land without sun, well, that's no land at all.

So yesterday I broke down and curled into a tanning bed with kindest Roommate E.L. in the next door booth. I have huge qualms about this, it goes against my principals to (1) be tan like everybody else and (2) risk skin cancer. Alack, seasonal depression/vitamin D deficiency effaces my principality.  I filled my pores with SPF 50 because I'm a non-tan, fair-skinned kid and I ignored claustrophobia in pursuit of UV rays. 
I finally felt warm. 
They call this feeling sun-kissed. 
I call it alive.

Today, the grey gloom got to my soul again. By 6pm I'd had a day of spiritual learnings, yoga, bicycle ride on dearest Bicycle to the grocery store, yummy cookings, and yet I had mopey-heart. I finally dropped everything mid-dinner preparation (one of my favorite past-times) and went running. That did the trick.

The world wide says that it's not just me, most everyone feels rotted by sunlessness. But sometimes it feels like just me. By March I start making wagers with myself on what will come first: spring or me cracking. I guess this year I cracked first. 

What does one do?

Invest in a sun lamp?

link to listen to Equatics remix of Bill Withers' "Aint no sunshine when she's gone"

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