30 June 2010

angels crying so hard they're laughing*

I have broken into an odd, all-over, symmetrical kind of itchy rash and the only thing we can figure is that it's my stress exploding out. It started yesterday and I went through an entire tube of a generic hydrocortisone cream. I've been wrapping my head in a turban so I can't itch my ears. 

This started yesterday because today is the eve of my departure for everything.

So thank you, heavens, for suddenly letting all your rain pour down upon this earth because I went outside to stand in said downpour and it's the best I've felt all week.

I can promise you one thing, I will continue to be stressed but this is the best summer ever.

*read this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/29/science/29tier.html

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