23 August 2010

now taking...

...ludicrous ideas I can tell people when they ask about my post graduation plans.

Am I excited to graduate? Would you be excited to graduate if your film department loved you as much as mine seems to love me? 

People keep asking me what I'm going to do. I need to come up with some flippant answer because "I don't know" isn't getting the message across. The one I thought up today was, "Well, I've always been curious to see what it would be like to move up to northern Idaho and not pay taxes and sit on my porch with a rifle for anyone who dares trespass on my property. Maybe I'll make a documentary about it." People will think I'm joking until I get to the documentary part. Then they won't know anymore. I've played this game before, people sometimes have trouble deciphering when I'm joking. Maybe it's because I don't like to rule out any possibilities. I mean, I say tax evasion as a joke now but maybe when December comes it really will seem like a good idea. 

Gee, I hope not.

Part of me is looking for a big change. I could stay here, I've got a lot going for me here. But, ummm, I feel like I have a lot going for me anywhere. I mean that humbly, because I feel like everyone has got it made if they would only realize it. I would also like to point out I'm the baby of the family (but not for much longer). Sometimes I wonder if the other shoe will ever drop and crush my little baby toes.

Hmmm...nope, I really don't think that shoe is ever going to crush me too much. Nothing can stop me because I won't let anything stop me. I don't know what I am going to do because there is an entire world out there!! And I'm going to see it all.



  1. tax evasion is hard to do successfully. Take a lesson from my great-great-grandfather. He was a very successful mob lord (maybe you've heard of Al Capone?) but the only thing they ever got him on was tax evasion. They know one thing for sure, and that's paper work, and that's where they'll get you. ;)

  2. ah ha! So I should be a mob boss instead!
