28 September 2010

they do exist!

Filmic classes may be four hours long but we're given lots of breaks. And in these breaks sometimes I feel like I've gotten in the middle of an Old Boys Club meeting. I could join in–I mean I haven't been geeking out over Monty Python my whole life so I don't necessarily recognize every reference made and maybe I won't have a lot of input–but there's this strange mode of communication going on. First of all, there is a distance of at least five seats and one row in between every participating male. Secondly, they are all coming to the feeding ground from a different direction that I don't recognize and can't define. And maybe I become mildly confused because I've stumbled into an oasis of stereotypicality. At these points I roll my eyes and look for something productive to do rather than jaw the fat around a chess game that's going nowhere. By productive I mean I draw paisley patterned circles around things I want to research when I get home.

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