26 November 2010

In the holiday spirit: does anyone else ever listen to the song "Baby it's cold outside" and think "date rape"?

"I really can't stay"
"Hey, what's in this drink?"
"The answer is no"

and what is it the man singer says? "Your lips taste great"?


  1. I haven't thought rape but I have thought he probably isn't being as respectful of her as he should be.

  2. It's "Your lips look delicious." I love that song but every time I play it or sing it, Matt dons a super deep voice and during the man's part sings things like "I've got chains in my basement." "You'll never escape." "Your family will never see you again."

    He's on your side. I, however, still like the song. :)

  3. You know, I've always wondered why I had issues with that song.

  4. I wrote a blog about this same thing some time ago and called it the date rape carol for a long time.....haha, kindreds, kindreds.
