20 December 2010

year end missive.

I don't ever want to live alone. There we go, a strange thing from frequent recluse that I am, and something that I learned in July and then again, over Thanksgiving vacation. Last Thanksgiving wasn't like this. But I can't take it anymore. Which has led me to the conclusion that my 2010 new years res.–that I haven't told you much about and will continue to tell you nothing about–took on a life of its own. That can join the list of things I'm not sharing. Keeping a stiff upper lip is not a habit I always support, but this year I've got emails I've written to people but never sent. I just can't say things. Are you on that list? I don't know, I can't tell you. What I can tell you is that I'm not sure if I hate this year or if it's been the best year ever. I'm prone to the latter because I like to take charge of my life and enjoy it and some amazing things have happened (I'M AN AUNT!!!!). I am sure that stress will kill you and that God is love and I hate my stomach and I love film. I love film so much that I will take great risks to pursue it when I'm not a very daring child. Graduate school here me roar.

That's my year end report. I'm graduated, I'd rather drink orange juice than eat food, I have the cutest nephew ever, and I love you.


  1. This has been quite a year for you hasn't it?

  2. I wish I had a talent for writing like you do. But then, I'm glad we're different. You make me think like no one else does and I love you for it! I miss you.
