25 August 2011

rambling, probably mildly unclear, filtered list of gratitude

1) I am actually scheduled to present my paper at a conference. I'll be seeing you, Claremont. 

2) I hangout at the county historical library daily. (My second haunt is the public library. Which you should see.) There is a list of a few people who I am extremely excited (and not even nervous!!!) about interviewing. Sometimes, at the museum, as I'm searching through old pictures and newspaper clippings somebody plays ragtime on the player piano. 

3) My mom and I have now introduced lake swimming to our repertoire. Lap swim to come as the weather gets colder. No waves and wind and late afternoon suns but on the other hand, no algae covered bodies. 

4) The mornings are cool and breezy just the way I always remember them. 

5) I still finish a couple of books a week despite the rules I've had to set for myself about leisure reading (the finishing up of books sometimes is to the detriment of the amount of sleep I get). 

6) I still bake soda bread when I cannot sleep. And after I eat a slice of it hot from the oven, I think about how peaceful dawn is, crawl into bed and fall asleep so happy. 

7) There's a specific photograph I plan on taking tomorrow. 

8) My closet works as a sound recording studio. 

9) I should find a poetically silly place to do yoga.

10) I get picture texts of my nephew from my sister and she calls me often.

∞  Now and here are beginning to make sense. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your life.
    My bathroom is big enough to exercise in so I always joke about doing yoga in there. Really though I just do sit ups in there and then pass out.
