02 September 2011

half of me thinks you'd want to stay updated half of me thinks blogs are absolute vanity

Cutting my hair this afternoon turned out to be somewhat more of an adventure than I had intended but that's what you get when you forget that little safety switch on the hair clippers. 

In truth, I've always wanted to try steps and push my androgynous limits but have been too chicken. Huzzah!

I've moved in with my parents to a small hometown which makes my Friday night socials the kind of things you want to write books about. I won't be writing books, I'm at my limits trying to think how to tell you properly of characters I spent my night with. Suffice it to say we watched Singin' in the Rain, jumped to a discourse on West Frisian–the language of Friesland and of which I'd never heard of but is believed to be what English would sound like if we hadn't been conquered by Normans (the French). And to finish it off:  

I've been thinking, it's kind of great to be here. 


  1. miss. and i love your hair really really really would love to try it.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGkWBq88ti0

  3. you're my favorite. ever. that video made me giggle.

  4. Love the steps and am so jealous that you have the courage to cut your own hair and that it always turns out great.

    PS I like the updates.
