06 September 2011

mean lady

I gave everyone in the world a parking ticket today, or at least, it feels like it. But tell me, is it inhumain to smile and bop your head a little bit as you listen to Talulah Gosh and slip a $10 fine under someone's windshield wiper? No. It can't be. Especially with the product of today's side project:

Upon seeing what I'd done my dad buried his face in his hands both in laughter and horror.


  1. I don't think it's horrible. I say keep doing it.

  2. omg do a doc about yourself: "The nicest parking ticket lady ever."

  3. I want some of those excellent head phones!

  4. I have always wondered something. What kind of authority do parking lots have to enforce that people pay their parking tickets?

  5. You know I've never hated the person giving me a parking ticket...I usually hate the institution behind the parking ticket. Okay so I've only ever had 2 parking tickets: 1 at BYU which I never paid and it was over 5 years ago, I think they forgot and I got it on Sunday-lame. The other was from UVU which I didn't deserve and I fought it and didn't have to pay.

    Anyway...point is I've always known the parking ticket givers are probably nice people just doing their job. Although, I'm sure none of them were ever as cool as you with your new headphone cover.
