23 April 2012

liebst du um liebe...

The first time you watch Wings of Desire (1987) (Der Himmel über Berlin) you should watch it in class, studying transcendence vs. immanence, and you just need to be patient. You will enjoy it, you will be tired, you will be a bit bored, you will be impressed. Just be patient.

The second time you watch Wings of Desire you should be alone, in your room, watching it in the dark before bed. And you should watch it a second time. You will always know you will watch it multiple times––every time thinking of your professor who would openly admit she falls asleep during this movie but she's just seen in so many times, she just immediately transcends! You don't have to be so patient the second time. You will be content and you'll savor it, charmed as ever by the angels, by Peter Falk.

Do you think it would be possible––for now, I don't know, I just want to finish putting together this zine and distributing it––but do you think it would be possible to create another collection, this time with the prompt, "is there a story you have to tell?" Does that make sense? This one is further down the line in collections I want to create. But it's a thing I've been thinking about.

Well? Is there a story you have to tell?  


  1. I have seen that movie. It was 3am, and I was watching it with a film buff. We had coffee to stay awake. My bed broke in the middle of it and then I walked my friend to the train station.

    What I'm trying to say is, I hated it. I should probably try again, shouldn't I? I'll wait until I can see it with you.

  2. Ya, maybe I need a second time too.
