18 October 2012

more map!

click to enlarge

Again? Would You  mind taking a peak? I have one specific question for you:
1. Does the dotted line that goes from parking lot 1, across the river and between lots 3 and 4 seem like a road to drive on? I don't know a less leading way to put this. Do I need to do more so people aren't surprised when it turns out to be a foot bridge?

I'm also concerned this will end up being used for ten years, during which time the aesthetics will become completely dated, like neon multi-colored shag carpet from the 1970s, rendering the map quite unprofessional looking. Valid?

(sigh) most likely.


  1. Emmadear,
    I assumed it was a foot bridge.
    Not in love with the color scheme, but I think it looks professional. Are those the school colors?
    You are just wonderful.

  2. I think it does not look like a street. All the streets have names on them. I figured it was a path of sorts.

  3. The only time people have a hard time knowing the foot bridge is not a road is when they're drunk, and then they probably aren't looking at the map :)
    I like the addition of the roads. I'm not sure how I feel about the sketchy white borders around everything.
    And this particular school's colors have been outdated (ahem) for a MUCH longer time than you've worked there :)
