19 January 2013

Run away!

I finally saw Moonrise Kingdom! Who wants to run away with me? I can't do any islands on the east coast but I think Shovel Point, Minnesota would be an ideal location. It's my goal to go there this year. You can fly into Minneapolis, it's much more reasonably priced than flying to Fargo. And I have family there we can stay with before we run away to the northern wilds.

So it's settled then. I'll see you soon!
(Is it ok If I don't wear copious amounts of eye makeup? Ok, good.)

Until then, enjoy this (our bobble-head dog Oedipus Rex):

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Moonrise Kingdom! Ohhh such a good movie. Fortunately, I can run away to an island on the East Coast ;)
