24 September 2007

under an umbrella out of a fishbowl i watch the trudging heroes

"Shoot, coward. You will only kill a man" reported last words of Ernesto Guevera

We are all only men.
(You too could be on the t-shirt of hundreds of teenagers who don't understand what you've done)

Here is the key of The Great film professor's lectures: they are a practice of what he preaches.
He preaches that life and the stuff that makes it up is flawed. Be critical, don't ever stop, but respect it. What is the intent? Is it achieved? Is it worth it? Let it be slow, let it digress, let us be patient, let us be aware.

Today I happily settled in for lecture. I had a real lunch from the soup I made. We are reaching the days when I would like a nice soup, a nice hot drink, a nice scarf, sweater, socks. Boots, friend! Boots. This lecture from The Great, full of intellectual wisdom and challenge. The soundtrack settled into my brain however went:

"You can stand under my umbrella
ella ella
eh eh eh
under my umbrella
ella ella..."

Did it fit, did it contrast, did it compare?

All this while Shakespeare bounded around our heads and tested our language skills. The Great asked us if our language had deteriorated. I stood up and shouted "Viva la revoluciĆ³n!" and we all ended in summersaults.

My only answer can be:
"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
or to take arms against a see of troubles
and by opposing end them? To die; to sleep;
To sleep per chance to dream. Ay, there's the rub."

You can stand under my umbrella
ella ella
eh eh eh eh
Under my umbrella
eh eh eh

Ay, there's the rub.

(Song: Umbrella by Rihanna)

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