14 October 2007

Oh what a night. A little prosaic but I've got to get it all out! Now!

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a dream. Like I've won the prize for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Am I really a film major? It's like they let me in to play because they know I'll love it and it's just a little wish they can grant for a little while. Why not? I'm funny to have around.
The autumn smells richer. Dreams. Fogs. Mists. Passions. Fading sunlight. White balance. Theatre analysis. Limited space. Deep Space.

Color, texture, lights, patterns, camera, sound speed, ACTION.

Seven hours at the grill tonight. It was an effing major football game. I would have wanted to crawl into the smoker to end with a hickory smoke flavor, except for a good friend. Instead I sang tonight (no Little Mermaid of course) I smiled. Well I almost yelled at my boss.
Ok, I'll get sides for the burgers
I'm one step ahead of you, the cinnamon apples are cooked
YES I'll keep moving
well that customer wanted---
Sure I'll take a minute and take the bread from the oven to the proofer

ask him what sides he wants for this steak

I look wildly around and see a few hims. Was it you who had the steak?
ask him what sides he wants for this steak!
ask him what sides he wants for this steak.

Can we lock the doors?
Because we close at nine.
How will people get in if they want to watch the football game?

They won't.

But I am here at a restaurant and my purpose is to serve. That's not a bad thing.

I am continually confused though by customers.
Why have you been waiting in line to order a fatty burger for half an hour?
This is where I really have to bite my tongue:
I was just coming to check on my order.
I look in front of me at the row of springy hooks. Ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, ticket, David.
How long ago did you order?
About 10 minutes.
How long did you wait in line? Oh, 40 minutes? What do you think all of those people in line ahead of you were doing? Ordering food? Really? Well, it's a 45 minute weight.

Even more phenomenal are the people who are told right away, before they order, it will be an hour long wait and THEY STILL ORDER.
WHY?! Restaurant food isn't that great. You must be the worst cook EVER.

I could go on and on and on and on.

And so my friend and I met together after work to burn a few printer paper signs we put up tonight in the grill. Three. Three signs. I picked up a box of matches chez moi, went to chez friend, and sat in a parking lot burning papers and wet newspapers.

We wrote some new verses to our song.
Our August was spent in the grill with the sole purpose of feeding football players. Hoo. Rah. We watched ESPN tout le temps. Except for Little League, this fealt like dying. So we set new lyrics to an old I-mourn-my-cowboy song.
Why don't you run out of sponsers
your co-hosts are monsters
they drive me insane

The new bits are just as clever but wouldn't pass a Scrabble game.

Tant pis.

And I still have a french paper to write!

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