24 March 2008

someone wishes they could b Richard Cory*

I feel sick to my stomach.
I'm sure you want to hear about my cleaning checks, so I'll appease you and tell you this: I didn't feel that gross about any of the ghetto-ish kind of old and cheap things about this apartment-ioso, I even thought our little bathroom, I mean, water closet was kind of funny. Until I cleaned it.
Je suis mal au ventre.
Dust bunnies live in my water closet. Every once in a a while when I go in there, I would have this vague thought that it was kind of funny that there was always little dust balls accumulating in the corners.
Tonight I cleaned the floor.
I commenced on the toilet and shower (I won't describe the shower experience for you, that's what is really making me sick) and I looked down at my feet and found that they were already being kept company by a million new dust bunny babies.

стоп! ARRêTE ! ARRESTO! στάση! Anschlag! 停止!


* Richard Cory (the answer is Simon and Garfunkel)

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