28 October 2008

moon stoppage, extra wattage

My nannykins are dear.
Children are frequently foreign to me, as I am the youngest of two. By almost eight years. I used to be afraid of holding babies.
Mais (pero, but) aujourd'hui as I felt the weight of a couple of square miles of university (the cement, the 13 story buildings, the three thousand page books, the 30,000 people, a few cars and trees) pressing down on my soul I didn't have the same care-free stamina to ignore Monstruo Dos's protests at nap time. Monstruo Uno was a fuera (dehors, outside) with a Monster Mash singing Halloween gimmick (it was a graveyard smash). So I checked on screaming baby. I held him and sang the little songs me mutha taught me. He started snoring on my shoulder. Oh.

O, Dear Monstruo Dos,

if I could sit in that rocking chair and let you sleep on my shoulder all afternoon, I would. So now, I write here my apology that I had to put you back in your crib where you woke up and commenced screaming again. I assure you, I wanted to die when I heard your crying.

Tia Marge

En plus, in Isaiah tonight we talked of the times when a prophet stopped the sun in the sky and when the sun moved backwards as a sign for King Hezekiah. Why are we extending daylight hours? I would like the moon to stop so that I may sleep a little this week.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should write the moon a letter and petition to have it stop. You two are pen pals after all. :)

    PS a baby sleeping on you is the best feeling in the world.
