16 March 2009

the story of gently untwining two people

I am completely untwained, untwined, unwound (in other words, single) and wound up again because the only thing I know to do is to move on. I would rather stand in a tray of brownies than eat them.

This doesn't mean I don't lay awake five (or ten) minutes longer at night and listen to the Beatles more, but I can't very well drop my New Years Resolution* now. I might have accidentally made a metaphor about making mistakes when we (who are now un-we: he and she) were taking off the back tire of my bike (which I tried to sufficiently apologize for, I really didn't mean to imply anything of the kind, I loved every minute, even the brutally honest ending), but I learned I love this vulnerable loving thing, especially now that the days are being all
springly goldenized.

My goal this week is to be effervescently charming.

example of effervescent charm

...and to remove someone from my speed dial.........

*Be still, hearts of my parents, my NYR is to kiss more (which is largely metaphorical)

1 comment:

  1. you already are effervescently charming. I can't wait for your hair cut(e).


    we are the hottest provo's ever seen.
