28 March 2009

there was a detective show once

photo taken by moi

I waded through clouds this morning. Poof, poofy clouds that expanded at the knees, gently knocking against each other and me with a little click and scratching at the iron bars they hung from.

Wedding dress shopping.

For Y is engaged and I'm treating myself to a day of waffles. Well, Ego Waffles, which might not be quite as swell as those ones I used to make in the large-mouthed belgian waffler back when I lived on the flooded plain, however, little Ego's leave room for my fruits and veggies. Hurrah...

You should learn the mot-du-jour for I want to use it, I find it splendid.
Vellieity (veh-LEE-uh-tee): noun, (1) The lowest degree of desire; imprefect or incomplete volition. (2) A slight wish or inclination.

Example: The feeling that Marge Bjork felt at the contemplation of eating carrots last night was not that of delight but of vellieity.

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