12 January 2010

no bjork left behind

Part of me wants to support compliments on my intellect. You know, invite them and then roll around in them as if I was in one of those plexiglass chambers where you're covered in honey and dollar bills are blowing around as you try to grab as many as you can. But (1) I have a strong aversion to game show reminiscent things like hordes of people, men with orange tan skin, and fake audience applause, and (2) I am afraid I'm actually perpetuating an Ellsworth Toohey society of mediocrity by trumpeting my habit of abstruse communication all over the internet. Speaking of which, the two fictional characters from literature I think about the most are Toohey and Miss Havisham. That might say something about me.

Back to my intellect, I was raised by a professor and a teacher/librarian. My close relatives are all professors and teachers. My sister is getting her masters and teaching art. I was certain from early childhood that I would get a doctorate. In fact, I had dreams of being one of those people with multiple doctorates from multiple countries. Maybe I have senioritis, or more appropriately, super-senioritis, but I feel like I'm the apple leaping from the tree. Sometimes when I sit in classes that aren't film classes I imagine poking my eyeballs out with a fork and about how I could teach myself the same stuff from a book without having to sit in restrictive classrooms and jumping through hoops. Then I look back on my ancestry steeped in degrees (like tea but with glasses and theses) and I wonder how I could turn into such a snot-nosed kid who doesn't know what's good for her. I wasn't raised to be the bored, unengaged student in the corner! Why am I the thing that's not like the others? Then I want to poke my eyeballs out even more.

The earth may shatter after I type this, but my interest in intellectual pursuits is waning and my support of trade schools is growing. Rapidly. I don't know what this means.

. . . _ _ _ . . .


  1. I think it means that you should be a welder. Emma the welder. Nice ring.

  2. I think it means that you are getting ready to graduate. There comes a time in one's college career where one says, "I have to get out of here. Hmm, I like this field of study, I'll graduate in that and then I'm gone!" Of course, it still took a year....but, I did graduate....

  3. i felt like that before i graduated. and actually i still feel that way. i am blissfully happy to sew and make things and be oh so crafty and not so school-y. but of course its only been like four months. maybe someday it will come back, the school-learning yearning. and maybe not. but either way it doesn't matter. you learn more outside of school anyways.
    good seeing you the other day and lovely lovely blog

  4. Just don't poke your eyes out, they are too pretty.

  5. There is nothing wrong with you! University has served you well and served it's purpose- to get you prepared to face the world. You are tired of just hearing and learning and not enough of the doing and living part. I think you are wonderful and highly intelligent. A testament to this is that you realize that you don't HAVE to get a doctorate because of tradition and have the wits to blaze your own trail out of academia. Blaze away my friend!
