24 April 2010

hunted by arachnids

The day in which happily find myself in the middle of nowhere and I work pleasantly until I discover a large black spider settling into my bag yet I manage to remain calm, gently dump everything out over the rocks, put them back in one by one (excluding spider) and avoid being killed or killing anything else.
Until twenty minutes later and I find that same spider has sought out my foot, then I smash it, all without swearing.

Danged human hunters.

But I was so impressed by my bravery I decided I was finally ready to face la biblioteca. On my way home from my new favorite nowhere I checked out: The Book of the Spider: from arachnophobia to the love of spiders by Paul Hillyard.
Right next to arachnids and insects were the birds. I told myself not to look too deeply because I'm trying to learn this new skill of focusing and not being scattered shallowly over many topics...but if you saw something entitled The Bedside book of Birds what would you do? Duh.

the above picture is from Montana's Gallatin Canyon. It's a favorite drive of mine.

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