14 December 2007

The children qui sont...oh tenenbaum fake tattoos

Editing labs can eat your life away.
You know, each time I make a film I think it's going to be different. As I edit a piece I realize I know nothing about what I'm doing. But I learn as I edit ten million things I can fix for next time. Next time I will show the fine cut of my film to people. Next time. This time? No.

It's like when you take a test and you think, "Wow, I'm a clever little child, I geniused that test." And you get the results back and....you did not genius the test. I am not geniusing documentary yet. I would be the film programmo's prize novice. Emphasis on novice.

I'm trying to bring the Christmas season into my life a little bit. Christmas Season Me woke up from a nap the other day and went grocery shopping so I could have fresh baked french bread with avocat au sel fumé, or in otherwords avacado, lemon juice, paprika, and radish. In case you can't tell, I'm still religiously reading food blogs. And I also want you all to know that lawyer and avocado are the same word in French: avocat. I think this means avocado is our advocate. Did you know sedan in Swedish means "then" or "afterwards"? In other words, that's an afterwards that just drove past. If we go by de
ar LaQuina's theory, it's like a nice Norse man saying "So then" in a funny accent.

Mainly we (C.S. Me and I) are in love with the holiday decorations. After I left the supermarché I passed a dry cleaners that was closed for the evening. There was still a little Christmas tree lit up in the office spreading cheer out onto the street. It reminded me of Mr. Krueger's Christmas not because of any loneliness, hallucinations, old people, janitors, or carolers, but because I was walking past an out of date shop celebrating without a grand reception. The out of date shop thing is kind of the season of all my Christmases growing up. Remember ye olde home has a lot of dirt roads and such.

Christmas Season Me also got Bag Clips for a friend of mine. When we were university freshmen we decided to try to start a trend. Not too seriously, but we went to a little shop walked around and picked out Bag Clips. For a few weeks we wore bag clips everywhere. He's been in El Salvador for a while and I'm thinking maybe he would like to start a Bag Clip Christmas revolution there.

(bag clips avec a note and my fingers)

1 comment:

  1. The miada sports car basically means pee. We would laugh about that all the time. Maybe avocado and lawyer are the same thing because if you get a bad one you end up feeling cheated and disappointed.

    If I had a car I would name it the "Plastique". Tres chic.
