02 June 2009

skin on skin again

(or I'M bigger than hip-hop)

Sounds I never want to forget
(the prosaic list of any temporarily sentimental being)

: lawns being mown
: the screen door slamming on the original family cabin
: and my barefeet padding across its old red deck
: "hey girl hey"
: elbows resting in the grass
: leaves rustling in the breeze
: keys on keyboard clicking (tekla)
: the needle being set down on a record and subsequent crackling
: the tinkle of the foil when I open up my Lindt's chocolate bar
: the zzzzzzzzzp of opening up perforated cardboard boxes

but I could probably get over forgetting those noises. --I'm just sayin'

also, CONFESSION: when I'm overwhelmed by hours of watching kindergarten footage, my ipod and I go to the bathroom and dance. can't get better than Mos Def, mirrored wall, tiled floor, me dancing, and toilets in the background.

The end.