17 November 2009

It's just this little small thing that happened and not even earth shattering

otherwise entitled The Boy in the Hallway.

Today this funny thing happened.

I was walking to a class. Bland colored sand hallways with a nice edging of people sitting along the wall, heads deeply hunched in their homework. It is a terrrrrribleeeeee bland hallway because they knew they could save on decoration by just handing students homework. "Hand them the homework, they'll sit in the hall," was their slogan. That's free. In fact, it's a way to keep the decor fresh, new faces rotating in always, and get PAID all the same time. No need to worry about matching fabrics, textures, it's more authentic if there's a little clashing, and there's plenty that's homogeneous enough in the look on their face. Concentration. Consternation.

So I was walking to class.
And he was walking the opposite direction.
There was a little bit of brown hair. Round glasses. Which is perfect because I've been thinking of Harold Lloyd lately. Cute face. An outift that would befit the Sartorialist.com. MY kind of sartorialist. I remember puffy coat and rolled up pants.
I was glad I was wearing my London Fog trench coat and a red dress. Because I tried to not stare, but I did anyway. And he stared back.
So we crossed paths keeping eye contact all of those long seconds.

I couldn't help but think, "Is he looking because I'm looking or is he looking for the same reason I'm looking?"

I knew the moment would be over quickly and that I should check his hand for a wedding ring and smile my most quixotic smile. But I just wanted to enjoy that simple moment of a few seconds in a hallway with someone who was a little kindred. I couldn't break that holy silence.

This is only the......third time(?) for this to happen in the last four years. But the best part was that it was so simple. Not earth shattering at all.

Yeah. That's the funny thing that happened on the way to the...not forum. I moved on to folklore class, received my glass of slushy punch, forgot all about Harold Lloyd and his puffy coat, lit my candle, made the wrong wish, and watched a presentation on dungeons and dragons.

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